Wednesday 5 June 2013

Meal Shakes ~ Pelaburan yang berbaloi-baloi

Posted by Unknown at 06:03
Assalamualaikum semua...

Dah lama tak update blog. Sal balik kampung bercuti baru-baru ni so memang tak ada masa nak update blog.

Sedar tak sedar dah masuk Jun dah...sekejap je masa berlalu. Seperti biasa, setiap bulan Shaklee akan keluarkan produk promosi dan bulan ni adalah promosi MEAL SHAKES!

Meal Shakes ni merupakan pilihan kebanyakan ibu-ibu di luar sana. Kenapa? Sebab Meal Shakes ni merupakan supplement hebat untuk kesihatan anak-anak mereka. Ramai yang dah mengadu anak yang dulu kurang selera makan dah berselera, anak yang selalu tak sihat dah jarang demam, anak yang ada asma dah tak perlu ambil NEB lagi....banyakkkkk testimoni yang ada dari ibu-ibu hebat ni...

Okla, sepintas lalu mengenai Meal Shakes yang Sal ambil dari website Shaklee.

Hidangan yang lazat, berkhasiat serta mudah disediakan yang pasti digemari oleh seisi keluarga:
• Sarapan segera yang berkhasiat
• Lazat, sarapan segera yang mampu dibeli
• Hidangan segera untuk para atlet
• Kudapan menarik pada bila-bila masa
• Hidangan yang ideal, rendah kolestrol, lemak dan sodium

Meal Shakes Shaklee merupakan sumber protein dengan vitamin dan mineral tambahan. Ia menyediakan jumlah yang seimbang bagi setiap sembilan asid amino yang diperlukan oleh tubuh untuk tumbesaran dan perlindungan yang baik. Dan lagi, Meal Shakes Shaklee mengandungi semua asid amino asli yang terdapat di dalam protein termasuk yang asid amino perlu dan juga tidak perlu.

TAPI..Meal Shakes ni bukan untuk kanak-kanak je tau...seisi keluarga boleh ambil Meal Shakes ni terutama yang tak suka ambil pil. Ha, jom tengok apa ada dalam Meal Shakes ni.

1. Complete Nutrients - Provides 24 types of A to Z essential vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Deficiency in trace minerals will affects the absorption of vitamins and causes inactive enzymes. It also contains soy lecithin that works hand-in-hand with fat soluble vitamins.

2. Supplies Key nutrient to cells - Rich in protein (contain no lactose) that helps in forming skin, nails, hair, organs, blood, immunised cells etc.

3. Aids in Growing Up - Contains folic acid, biotin, rich in calcium and magnesium that are needed for building bones and cells in the growing up process.

4. Anti-Oxidants - Contains vitamins A, C, E, zinc, selenium which are the anti-oxidant components for anti-ageing.

5. Restore skin complexion - Contains complete vitamin B-Complex, iron, copper to form healthy red blood cells, thus improves the skin colour complexion.

6. Detoxification - Rich in soluble fibre that helps the (peristalsis of colon and stomach/bowel movement) to excrete excess fat and waste from the colon and stomach.

7. Great Taste for young and old - Delicious drink with natural fructose; quick replenishment of the necessary nutrients for the body; contain no artificial colouring and artificial sugar.

Credit: Nad

Meal Shakes juga boleh diambil oleh ibu mengandung dan ibu menyusu tau. Jom baca kisah Puan Ami:

"Salam iffa, here goes my testimonial as promised.

As a WAHM, i really need to keep myself healthy n active. As i'm bfeeding my baby n need to manage everything around the house. I don't have problem with milk supply or anything. (The only problem is it's hard for me to swallow pills. ;P)

It just comes to my mind that i need to keep myself healthy as the busy lifestyle sometimes make me not to have a balance diet. Prevention is always better than to cure rite.

so, i decided to try the meal shake from shaklee. First impression: it's yummy! After a week i noticed that i'm more energetic than ever. The milk supply also suddenly increased (maybe have to pump n donate?). Alhamdulillah, the milk also thicker and i think its becoz of the increasing of nutritions value. My baby also suddenly want to bf only and ate less.

As for my husband, the first day i gave him, he complained that it made his tummy upset. Then, he refused to take it anymore (actually he always had the problem if he take milk early in the morning) . But suddenly last nite, he asked, "abg nk minum milky shake la". (He loves to give nicknames to things, so he called it milky shake.) He simply catogerized meal shake as one of his "air sedap". ;P"

Wah...bestkan? So apa tunggu lagi, jom dapatkan Meal Shakes dengan harga promosi bulan ni!

Nak order? Hubungi Sal untuk info lanjut :)


Untuk Info & Order:

Salasiah Salleh
Shaklee Independent Distributor (ID: 906874)
SMS/Whatsapp: 013-7144847


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